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June 1st-5th

Complete the “Please Do” activities. The other activities are optional. Please remember to submit your activities to your teacher via: email, text, Dojo or SeeSaw. Each teacher will be keeping track of the completed work. 

1. Please do:  Summer Reading Bingo Challenge 

Have fun with your reading this week by playing Bingo. Choose any 5 activities in a row to get a BINGO. You can read books from Epic or from your home. Mark off the 5 activities you choose to complete and send a picture of your bingo grid. Save your bingo grid and earn more bingos over the summer. Click HERE for the Summer Reading Bingo Challenge Grid.

1. Can Do:  Room 

Review reading skills we’ve learned this year by exploring this fun site. You can watch videos to review skills and then practice by playing online games. Click HERE.


2. Can Do: Reading in the Barnyard

Listen to a few books and poems from Mrs. Warntz and Mrs. Smith. While you’re listening to the reading, you will get to watch the animals in the barnyard at Mrs. Smith’s farm. We think you’ll enjoy the animals and the reading!

3. Can Do: Final Reading Video

Listen to a few books and poems from Mrs. Warntz and Mrs. Smith in their final video for you. They created this video for you guys, so we hope you enjoy it!

2. Can Do: Because of the Rabbit Read Alouds

You can listen to the chapters read aloud from Because of the Rabbit. You can either pick up where you left off or start from the beginning. Pictures are included of the teachers that are reading the chapters. Feel free to check it out for some familiar faces and voices. 

3. Can Do: York Summer Reading Program

We would love for you to sign up for the summer reading program. Please continue reading over the summer to keep your brain growing and your mind active.

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