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We would like to stay as connected as possible during this week! Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns:

2nd grade will hold office hours from 10:00-11:00am and 2:00-3:00pm, so we can definitely be reached then. 

We can meet in multiple formats. One way that may be an easy format to reach us is by phone for phone calls and texting. Our numbers that we can be reached at during this time are:

Mrs. Campbell- 1-717-862-8512 (Airville number)

Mrs. Cooley-1-717-584-4024 (Millersville number)

Mrs. Dehoff- 1-717-467-1442 (Dover number)

Mrs. Minder -1-717-681-6691 (Columbia number)











The reading specialists will also be available during this time to ask questions, read books to and overall support you during this time!

Mrs. Jackson ~ (717) 417 - 4529 from 4-8 pm

Mrs. Ogle ~ (717) 850 - 8084 from 11-3 pm

Mrs Smith ~ (717) 417 - 0734 from 7-11 am


Special Education Contact:


"Hi everyone! I will be working with Mrs. Minder during this time of continuous learning to provide resources and materials. I would love to assist your students in these assignments if they need additional help. My office hours will be Monday - Friday 10:00-11:00am and 3:00-4:00pm. You can email me any time with questions regarding the work or Special Education services, or to set up a phone or video conference. Thank you so much!


- Miss. Brunetto, Learning Support Teacher."

Social Worker Contact:

Stacy Strausbaugh- 717-501-2468 ( elementary)

Music Contact:



Guidance Contact:

Dianne Velez

10:00am-11:00am,  2:00-3:00pm

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